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aischannel societies

Founded in 1988, the General Thoracic Surgical Club is a not-for-profit organization representing more than 325 general thoracic surgeons worldwide who are dedicated to ensuring the best possible outcomes for surgical procedures of the lung, mediastinum, esophagus, and chest wall by providing the highest quality patient care through education, research, and clinical experience.

Our Mission: To advance and strengthen the general thoracic surgery community through clinically relevant scientific education, networking and the sharing of best practices among professionals in general thoracic surgery.

Our Vision: Improve outcomes for patients with general thoracic surgical problems.


Dennis A Wigle, MD - Chair

Francis C. Nichols, MD - Vice Chair

Robert K. Shen, MD - Secreteary/Treasurer

Linda Martin, MD - Chair of Clinical Trials

Our ExCo list can be found here

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